Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Lil's Glare

settled in with Alzheimer’s — all
the ire she swallowed all the years
of her too small old maid life
as hairdresser, also smaller than small town
journalist (Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jones
drove from Randolph, Mass. for a weekend
visit with Mr. Jones’s mother, Mrs.
Lillian Reardon Jones). Four siblings
returned to live back home — Tommy,
Charlie, Mary, & Lil. Their mother
Lillian (my grandmother) broke her hip,
lived another decade wheelchair
bound & diabetic. Lil ran the house —
caretaker, menu planner, bill
payer, task caster. She taught me
how to make macaroni & cheese,
let me read her notes for news stories
taken in her tidy hand. Lil’s best
friend Miriam — widowed & empty
nested — lived just three doors
down the street, most nights shared
Lil’s bedroom. Everyone played songs —
Red Red Robin Comes Bob
Bob Bobbin’ — we learned the words
& sang along. Later we grew up,
Lil & the siblings grew old, Charlie
& Tommy died. When Mary rolled up
the shades, Lil pulled them back down,
walked out to the river. Mary hunted
for her, coaxed her back. Lil snarled.
An hour later she’d be gone again
until they shut her away, exiled Lil
to where one day the glare died.

from Robert Macfarlane’s The Old Ways:

Anatomically speaking, the reason that the eyes of birds and animals glow uncanny colours in low light is due to the presence of the tapetum lucidum (the 'bright carpet'), a mirror-like membrane of iridescent cells that sits behind the retina. Light passes first through the rod and cone cells of the retina, then strikes the membrane and rebounds back through the retina towards the light source. In this way any available light is used twice to see with. What we are witnessing when we perceive 'eyeshine' is the colour of the tapetum lucidum itself, which varies between species and according to light conditions, but is often red in owls, pale blue in cows and greenish-gold in felines. Even moths and spiders possess this membrane, and their eyes can sometimes be seen in darkness as tiny silver stars.

Oh, Beatrice

Not quite a frost today
though I wish I’d drained the hose
& brought in cuttings that might be frozen.
Icy mornings in Charleston are rare.
Warm air roars through rusted grates.
Between my legs on our fleece throw
the kitten snoozes, doesn’t know
she’s headed for the vet this AM,
will come back home with her belly shaved,
her eyes crossed. She’ll meep & moan.
I’ll keep her warm, leave her alone
to dream of sex, one final wave.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Flood Tide

my front yard & my road
& the front yards across the road
one gleaming sheet of water
trees rise from mulch islands, trees
double in water covering my lawn
palm fronds etch my yellowed driveway
sea water lapping his shins, barefoot
neighbor Billy stands & shouts
I’ve never seen this! the tide pours
through the culvert into the pond
plastic floats by, my dock is sinking
five gunshots down the road after dark
I close my book, turn off the light
lie flat — maybe they won’t see me

Myths and Texts [excerpt]
by Gary Snyder

"Wash me on home, mama"
— song of the Kelp

A chief's wife
Sat with her back to the sun
On the sandy beach, shredding cedar-bark
Her fingers were slender
She didn't eat much.

"Get foggy
We're going out to dig
Buttercup roots"

Dream, Dream,
Earth! those beings living on your surface
none of them disappearing, will be transformed.
When I have spoken to them
when they have spoken to me, from that moment on,
their words and their bodies which they
usually use to move about with, will all change.
I will not have heard them. Signed,
( )

Monday, November 19, 2018


Because it’s about to be United States
Thanksgiving I’m making Hawaii-style
Portuguese bean soup the day
before & sourdough loaf from yeasts
captured from South Carolina air.
I need a heating pad to wrap the rising
dough, just as five decades ago
I wrapped cultured milk to ferment yogurt.
My boys were babies. Five gallons of raw
milk we carried home each week
(we owned the five-gallon stainless
can) from the nearby Verrell's dairy farm,
also the source of a long-haired black
kitten who lasted until the boys were grown.
Along with yogurt I made egg custard,
rice pudding, Indian pudding, heated
milk on the stove (pre-microwave)
to fill Matt’s cup, Ben’s bottle,
my mug. Some of us, because we yet
have homes, we are still fed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Morning Before the Daylong Rain

Beatrice has decided not to eat
her breakfast of canned food
to beg for it only to turn away
to beg for my egg, lick bacon grease
from the tips of my fingers

two pair of kingfisher buzz the dock
one patrols from the furled umbrella
great blue heron is a cargo plane
low over the water just offshore
mallards a raucous flotilla

pelicans dive for mullet
leaping from the salt marsh pond
silver arrows that fall flat
rise again, fall, rise three times
like silver skipping stones

now it's the next morning gray skies
S-shaped, dive, Z-shaped
cormorant glides past the dock
predators here for prey
more rain is on the way

Rescue the Dead
by David Ignatow

Finally, to forgo love is to kiss a leaf,
is to let rain fall nakedly on your head,
is to respect fire,
is to study man's eyes and his gestures
as he talks,
is to set bread upon a table
and a knife discreetly by,
is to pass through crowds
like a crowd of oneself.
Not to love is to live.

To love is to be led away
into a forest where the secret grave
is dug, singing, praising darkness
under the trees.

To live is to sign your name,
is to ignore the dead,
is to carry a wallet
and shake hands.

To love is to be a fish.
My boat wallows in the sea.
You who are free,
rescue the dead.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


light rain
or the heater fan
rustle of
blanket in the dark
hiss of
drops slide down
every pane
daylong drum of
docks grow green
kingfisher pans
from a furled umbrella
a hunkered egret
is snow
banked on a stone
swan dive
make high jump
mullet fly

Redstart [excerpt]
by Forrest Gander

Phased and tilted,
    a philanthropy
of tunnels and saliva, soil
    particle gripping
soil particle: heed the following,
    heed the high climbing, a building
wingspan from mucilaginous
    bodies, legs “just special
effects”: how affected
    and pernicious all scriptures
and hymns.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Scene 1. Woman & Bear

why are you, a bear, in my dream?

I’m a bear, I can’t speak

you are speaking, & you’re being snotty, or wry


you are a bear & you’re tearing the guts out of a dead bear in my dream

guy’s gotta eat

so you’re a guy

guy is a gender-free term in my vocabulary

sorry, that’s my line


I’m eating cashews at 9 am in the morning because I feel a lack of something

like the lack of a bear in your life?

right, like I need a dirty, smelly, large, dangerous animal in my life

everyone needs one, more than that, everyone has one

my dirty smelly animal is my body that has been decrepit since I was a 12-yr-old child

you sure have spent a lot of time faking it, pretending you were clean, neat, pretending you were healthy, pretending you weren’t in pain, limping, bleeding, peeing & shitting your pants, falling over

whereas you wear your degenerate filth right up front — I’ve only seen a bear in person once & it was a juvenile, far enough away that I couldn’t smell it or experience its filth, but you’re a full grown bear, umpteen years of filth accumulation, do you ever bathe?

I love to swim, as you well know, swimming to a bear is like showering to a human

humans use soap, well, most humans use soap, I barely use soap, my skin’s not happy with soap, besides, I’m so clean, I don’t need soap except at my pits & nether orifices

what about the glop you discovered in your eyes as you were driving down to the field trip yesterday, you fingered that out right smartly before a stranger could find out you were a drippy old lady who doesn’t wash her face in the morning

yep, that I did, & I behaved quite nicely to the field trip leader, nicely to the point of boring him, at least gauged by his frequent lack of response, he was polite, he thought I was a mildly tedious old lady (or he thought something else entirely, how would I know?), he had no idea I am secretly a dirty smelly bear

aha, so now you’re claiming you’re the bear, now that you’ve insulted me, insinuated that I might be male

no, that was you called yourself a guy, & I’m the one who says guy is gender free

must we talk about gender? why is it relevant? can’t we just talk about humans & bears?

ok, why were you tearing the guts out of that bear

it was there, no one had torn the guts out yet, I was hungry, actually I killed that bear in a ferocious fight, I might have been the bear on the ground getting eaten

how did you win?

the fight went on for so long I can’t remember, might have been a third party intervention, I’m a fine combatant, but I often don’t show up for the win

why not?

let’s see, 1) I get bored, 2) I might lose 3) it’s very hard taking something dead seriously, as in fight to the death, after all, life is a dream, life is not real, at any moment you can wake up & start over

I don’t suppose you’d think that if you were the bear dead on the ground

if I were the bear dead on the ground, I wouldn’t think at all, I’d be dead

did it taste good?

everything tastes good to a bear, we just pretend it’s honey

not much tastes good to me, that’s why I don’t eat much, that & I don’t want to gain weight, I don’t want to be a large person, I want to be small, invisible, anonymous

believe me, bears are anonymous, we are large, dark, & dangerous, no one cares who we are as individuals

no one cares who old people are as individuals either, so we’re equal there

that’s horseshit, & you know it — numerous people care about you as an individual, & they take the time to show it

yeah, yeah, yeah, once a week, maybe, Ben or Esther calls with Tova, once a month Matt texts — my friends are here, ok, this is what it boils down to, I’m used to having a one & only, most of my life I’ve had a one & only, now I’m too old, & there is unlikely to be another one & only, so get used to it, knucklehead

that’s why you dreamed about a bear eating another bear, cause you want a large dirty uncontrollable wild creature cause you think you can tame it & you have done so, have managed to tame someone three times, & then something happens, you find out they’re not enough or they’re too much or they’re the wrong one, they have you trapped, or they don’t pay enough attention, wait, I’m losing my thread, how is this related to dreaming about a bear?

who knows? a bear would be an exotic pet, maybe a one & only is no better than an exotic pet until you get tired of it, & then it’s just a dirty old bear

so you rip its guts out

food is food

nope, that’s my line, guy

it’s been real

no, it’s been dream


American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin
by Terrance Hayes

If you have never felt what is fluid
In a woman run warm along your thighs
And testicles, Mister Trumpet if you do not know
The first man was in fact a woman whose clit
Grew so swollen with longing it hung like a finger
Pointing toward the lover stirring her meadows
Mister Trumpet what the fuck do you know
You are lonely because you could never unhitch
Your mother’s terrifying radiant woe
I mean my mother here she the crazy bitch in me
She the way I weep she the way I break she manly
Trumpet I can’t speak for you but men like me
Who have never made love to a man will always be
Somewhere in the folds of our longing ashamed of it