Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Carolina Jessamine

thin clouds, a hot wind flattens
carolina jessamine, what climbs the rail
the way long loose hair flattens

slingshot wind, lively surf pounds
the near sand, spindrift pocks the dune
necklace of yellow flowers

ease the mind of present care
carolina jessamine, what climbs the rail
bee, butterfly, hummingbird midair

yes, the porch rail rotting sooner
rain & dust pressing on wood
paint wearing away, white going gray

two months the native vine flowers
carolina jessamine, what climbs the rail
fragrant yellow trumpets — this shower

Friday, June 19, 2020

What I Know

I know an osprey fishes this pond
alone, it sails & hovers & dives
until it takes one, I know a great 
blue heron lives two houses down
when I saw it yesterday I felt nothing
large or wild, I saw curved gray below
the head behind leaves, the heron
I thought, I know bluebirds on wires
on tree stakes, on my porch rail
I know the sound my washer makes
before it drains, I know I broke
the yolk before it reached the pan
broken yolk on grits, the taste
the same, I know the buckeye lives
I know the rain is over at least for
a few days, I know more clover
needs to be pulled, I know the water
yesterday blown into ridges today
lies still & mirrors the still gray sky