Friday, January 31, 2020

Could Graze

cormorants swarm the pond, heads held high, arrogant?
no, their necks grow long to swallow fish, replenish
lungs with air, their feet invisible stroke stroke, propel
the birds forward & round, concentric rings of cormorants
trouble the fish, fish flee, birds dive, of hundreds of fish
some are eaten, overhead round & round the pelicans
gaze down, tilt & plummet & plash, more fish are eaten
herons & egrets swarm the shoreline, fish on the run
are eaten — fry, fingerlings, full grown — the pond
a field, the herd the mingled gleaners, fish are grass

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Marbled Salamander

what does a salamander
think? oozing black smear of
body marbled with white
Ambystoma opacum is not
what’s on its mind, we peer
at bulging eyes, four- & five-
toed limbs, the top of a log is not
where a mole salamander
lives, a creature nothing like
a mole except it lives below
what are these tall shadowy
pulses of air? loud noises
that click & flow? what
triggers a salamander’s
belly & feet, empowers
its passage away from light
back to rich provender?

Friday, January 3, 2020


geometers measure twilight
by degrees 
astronomical at 18
                                    nautical at 12
                                                                civil at 6
each stage seen by more observers
later wakers, non boaters
polloi who don’t revere dark night
makers of skyglow, burners
of porch light