Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Proto-Indo-European eh+tos -> Italic atos -> Latin -atus:


having it

possession of a thing or quality

-> English -age:

a condition of being

a measurement of being

a state of being resulting from an action


a place / a period of seclusion


being on the move without a fixed abode

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Vowels of Color

the old woman lectures

on the color of vowels

— Robert Hass

red is not soft like blue

not far-seeing like green

not exposed like yellow

but fierce, bold, upstanding

outfacing, able to go

longer & without complaint

the red behind sun’s yellow

its minions, salmon & mauve

colors that fill the sky

before the green flash

what stops you frees me

rubia, madder, alizarin

gush of blood before it cools

what I see when you try me