Sunday, January 17, 2021


I want to live, I want to travel,

I do not want to become a fountain pen.

                                                                — Jean Cocteau

like a mole struck from a tunnel, like an onion

dragged from a root cellar, tentacles of hope

lifting green limbs into light

                                                                — George Kalamaras

thoughts are only one aspect of conscious life

                                                                — Adrie Kusserow

Travel makes you no one

and if you are no one already, travel takes you home

                                                                — Terese Svoboda

no word in Greek for privacy

Only secrecy, or loneliness

                                                                — Diane Thiel

Ah! Que le monde est grande a la chatte des lampes

Aux yeux du souvenir, que le monde est petit

                                                                — Charles Baudelaire

why take what’s offered, why not walk toward

the green & flickering sea that comes to meet us

                                                                — Diane di Prima

it’s not really camping when you don’t have a house

                                                                — Neal Stephenson

sleep is the shadow of the earth as it seeps into our skin and 

spreads throughout our limbs, dissolving our individual will into 

the thousand and one selves that compose it — cells, tissues, 

and organs taking their prime directives now from gravity and 

the wind

                                                                — David Abram

Imagine that you are always wrong.

                                                                — Y. Madrone

When property = freedom

choose itineracy or vagabondage over the happy home.

                                                                — Zoe Tuck

I write with a longing that a wire has for electricity.

                                                                — Amir Rabiyah

Write a sentence that is a drone.

                                                                — E. C. Crandall

It used to be that even talking on the phone meant your voice

had to be somewhere

                                                                — Jaron Lanier

it is something strictly American to conceive a space that is filled

with moving, a space of time that is filled always filled with


                                                                — Gertrude Stein

and the little breezes of her speeches smell like parsley

                                                               — Alice Oswald

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