one finger poem would be cool five am air
hot tea cum sweetness, three small brick-red pills
what sights a cat must see out a window into dark
rush of paws across back deck, brush of fur
against damp paint on aging boards, what if we
had a rhythm in our voice as a Greek singer did
not Greek but of this or that city state, X of father Y
when in some other universe it would have been S of
mother T, an epic of reed weaving & small boat
making & lullaby song, of sheep wool dyeing & weaving
instead of ram sacrifice & shield hammering
here the sung rhythm, da da da da da [spondees
followed by the first beat of a dactyl], or
da duh duh da duh duh da [two & a third dactyls]
even da duh duh da duh duh da duh [two & two thirds]
then the pause, in breath or no breath, the five
or seven or eight followed by what one day
would be punctuation — τρεις δ' 'οι αλλοι εσαν . . .
Ζευς αγαθον τελεσειεν . . . for this scholars invented
the placing of accents in order to learn to sing
like Homer, the long line of singers before him
was it a visiting Sumerian who wrote it down?
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