Monday, May 25, 2020


unwilling, unable to defy death, if someone
would only remind us all, the sequence of events
from transmission at the microscopic scale
to onset, development, denouement at macroscopic
perhaps these flouters would believe, or perhaps
they don’t care to know, want to squander, are willing
to lose all, numbly, whenever death says go
new hampshire plates read live free or die
change or to and, we casually mock death 
again & again — eat, drink, drug, drive, dare
leave it to private & public service teams 
to shoulder in after the binge, shovel the victims
choking & blind, into the siren-bleating vans
we’ve lost the art & the truth of dying alone

Friday, May 22, 2020


one finger poem would be cool five am air
hot tea cum sweetness, three small brick-red pills
what sights a cat must see out a window into dark
rush of paws across back deck, brush of fur
against damp paint on aging boards, what if we
had a rhythm in our voice as a Greek singer did
not Greek but of this or that city state, X of father Y
when in some other universe it would have been S of
mother T, an epic of reed weaving & small boat
making & lullaby song, of sheep wool dyeing & weaving
instead of ram sacrifice & shield hammering
here the sung rhythm, da da da da da [spondees
followed by the first beat of a dactyl], or 
da duh duh da duh duh da [two & a third dactyls]
even da duh duh da duh duh da duh [two & two thirds]
then the pause, in breath or no breath, the five
or seven or eight followed by what one day
would be punctuation — τρεις δ' 'οι αλλοι εσαν . . .
Ζευς αγαθον τελεσειεν . . . for this scholars invented 
the placing of accents in order to learn to sing
like Homer, the long line of singers before him
was it a visiting Sumerian who wrote it down?

Sunday, May 3, 2020


— with a nod to Vladimir Mayakovsky & Denis Johnson

midnight, or eleven pm, or four am
times I wake & wait & turn over the phone
to see how long until the hour I’ll rise
the cat prowls on & off the bed, purrs
or sleeps, rattles a drawer handle, sprawls
at an open window to peer into the dark
not dark, it’s never dark enough for more
than six or seven stars, spotlights on poles
in neighboring backyards, not dark nor
quiet, the mantra chants inside my head
synchronizes my breath, takes me away
to the land I inhabit with all my lost
once children, once lovers, daytime
acquaintances, nighttime friends, & strangers
intimate adventurers in this livelier world
of challenge & touch, elaborated living space
voyages under & over water, sky, & ground
with & without luggage, crises of misplaced
beings, inoperable devices, bound feet
clandestine, urgent, sweat, wounds, fear
without constraint, a musty hole, a bare field
mystery, stark emotion, heartbreak
the great blue heron coughs, songbirds
twitter, tree frogs whistle, cicadas scrape