Sunday, March 22, 2020

Voice of the Cane Field

cicadas sing dry mouthed
chafe like dry paper

the way the news unfolds
cane fields harmonize

steel breath of wind
through razor leaves

day & night the wind’s
barbered voice bleeds

A voz do canavial
by João Cabral de Melo Neto

Voz dem daliva da cigarra,
do papel seco que se amassa,

de quando se dobra o jornal,
assim canta o canavial,

ao vento que por suas folhas,
de navalha a navalha, soa,

vento que o dia e a noite toda
o folheia, e nele se esfola.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Time Catches Us Up, Small Lives, Fish

Diamond Head Beach Park, Oahu, day
after day I descend the rough path
to study the tidepools — rocky sandy
shallow bays — what holds air soon enough
holds water, glimmering streaks of fish
then no fish, no beneficiary proves them
no record of life or death, swim or flail
however many fish are left behind, more
follow, gold & silver charms tracking
a Mobius strip — life, death — one fish

Saturday, March 14, 2020


when children are small — very small — we leave
them in the hands of other people — caretakers
we have chosen to keep them safe while we go
off to work or shop or take a test or a hike

or we merely drive around to be alone, or sit at home
with a book & coffee or a drink, a few hours
without the clinging child — we tell the child what
is about to happen, we construct a world of more

children & smiling caretakers, yet the child
stands big eyes in a wide face screaming
not to be left, clinging until someone tears them
away — Phaedra lay face down on the floor

screaming until an hour later Erika came for her
this trauma of separation, they must be taught
because they can’t count on us, can’t count on
anyone, sooner or later we leave them for good