Saturday, October 30, 2021


this blog has ended, thanks for reading, my new posts will fall here

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Otter Creek at Belden Falls

divide & fall, two times & more

boats climb your bank for portage

conglomerate machinery straddles

your east flank, overlays of

concrete & steel, bolts, pipes

gear that powers towns

rippled glass pours down your brow

tumult below, boil & froth

spill across massive boulders

spiral through wide & narrower gaps

arcing above you a hiker’s bridge

chain-link toe & finger holds

to guide me up & over

a plunge if that day comes

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Pholcus phalangioides

Don't worry spiders,

I keep house


— Issa via Robert Hass

all I’ve done for nine months is travel 

what have I learned? what’s the prize?
a newborn seems a prize until it’s crying

I’m sick of moving house, yet here I am

in a house not mine, a bare space, not unlike

any place where life must spring from a pen

to fill the hollows — here’s a gnat, in the sinks

are crane flies & daddy longlegs, Pholcus

phalangioides, aka skull spider — Wiki says

it's like but not a crane fly, aka Tipulidae

some call Opiliones daddy longlegs

though they aren’t, they’re harvestmen

the air in this room brims with Arthropoda

come clades, settle this latest home

Sunday, October 10, 2021


I weep for her. John weeps.

Our minds fracture into

search parties. Hunting

on beyond six days

& seven nights, we fear

as she fears. If we are not

to find her, give us a caverned

corpse, a limb, a scatter

of bones to make a cairn of.

We know how strong preys

on strong, how the strike

the wound, the play

plays out, memory of each

mouse, spells of defiance

attempts at escape, casual

buffets & final blow. Like

her namesake, she’s taken

too young. We know

she fought. We travel far

lifelong. We are never done.